About MWE

Municipal Waste Europe is the European umbrella association representing public responsibility for waste.
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Municipal Waste Europe members are national public waste associations and similar national or regional associations. We are committed to sustainable waste management that minimises the impact of waste on the environment and promotes resource efficiency, taking into account local conditions. Municipal Waste Europe promotes the interests of its members at European level, through joint positions on waste management issues and legislation and keeps its members informed on the latest EU policy developments. The association encourages the sharing of information among its members, including the exchange of good practice in the local management of waste.


Members of Municipal Waste Europe serve over 60% of their national populations.


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Our Vision

We envision a Europe that is self-sufficient and sustainable, where waste prevention and utilisation are prioritised to serve the best interests of its citizens and the environment.



Our Ethos

Waste is the key to solving the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Municipal Waste Europe walks the talk by prioritising:

our ethos
  • Sustainability: Advancing the implementation of a circular economy in Europe.

  • Waste Hierarchy: Emphasising the waste hierarchy inverted pyramid, prioritising waste prevention, reuse, recycling, and recovery over disposal.

  • Service of General Interest: Municipal waste management cannot be considered to be a regular commercial activity, but a service of general interest with the aim to protect human health and the environment.

  • Collaboration: Establishing and upholding effective data flows to achieve common goals in collaboration with the European Parliament, European Council, and European Commission.

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We strive to be a leading voice in the waste management industry, advocating for policies and practices that promote sustainability and the circular economy.


Municipal Waste Europe Into Action


For over 10 years Municipal Waste Europe has worked to represent public waste management authorities in the EU institutions to achieve their EU environmental targets and be in the loop for new waste legislation through:



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MWE monitors legislation and analyse the political and regulatory risks on relevant EU waste-related policy developments, upcoming events, consultations and MWE projects. Through our biweekly newsletters, members won’t miss in their radar what happens in the EU institutions.



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Have a full say in our Policy discussions, drafting of policy papers and meetings with policy makers.



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Connect with waste management associations, experts and technicians, share good practices and draft policy in expert groups.



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TAIEX-EIR PEER 2 PEER is used as a twinning tool to match municipal waste management companies to broker the transfer of knowledge on overcoming local barriers for implementation of waste legislation to achieve collection goals.



Interested in becoming a member?

Click HERE to learn more

Municipal Waste Europe is registered in the European Commission's register  of interest representatives, ID 75395701551-94.
Municipal Waste Europe is a Belgian international non-profit organisation (AISBL), VAT registration number BE 0816.952.509.