
Organigram MWE


The Board of Municipal Waste Europe is elected by the General Assembly and has up to five members: one President and four possible Deputy Presidents. The Board is elected for a mandate period of two years and can be re-elected. Within one month after the Board meeting, the Secretary General informs the members about the decisions taken by the Board.

The current Board of Municipal Waste Europe for the term 2022-2024 was elected on 7 June 2022, in Helsinki (Finland)

The Policy Committee consists of an individual representative selected by each member association. A second representative of each full member can also join the meeting. The Policy Committee meet at least four times per year and it is chaired by the President. The Policy Committee decides on all policy issues and can set up Working Groups for different policy activities. Members are free to appoint persons in their respective organisation to participate in the Expert Groups of MWE.

The Secretary-General is responsible for the daily operation of MWE following decisions and instructions by the Board and the Policy Committee. The Secretary-General participates in meetings of the General Assembly, the Extraordinary General Assembly, and meetings of the Board and Policy Committee.