Our Members

We are 16 members represented in 14 countries
  • utilitalia transparent
    Utilitalia is the national federation of Italian utilities providing public services in the sectors of environment, water and energy. It was ​founded in ​J​une 2015 from the merger of Federambiente environmental services) and Federutility (energy and water services).
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    Working Group of Austrian Municipal waste management Associations is a national union of 8 province members which head the 108 municipal waste management associations in their province.
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    The Austrian Association of Cities and Towns represents 259 members, including all towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants. The smallest city member accounts for 1,000 inhabitants.
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    Interafval is the network for those committed to the municipal waste management in Flanders, Belgium.
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    Syctom is a French local public authority and the leading European public operator in domestic waste management.
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    Danish Waste Association has a total of 58 members representing municipalities, inter-municipal waste management companies, and facilities for hazardous waste in Denmark and the Faroe Islands.
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    KIVO Finland is the Finnish Solid Waste Association (FSWA) representing Finnish regional and municipal waste management companies.
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    Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V. (VKU) is the German Association of Local Public Utilities representing the interests of the local public utility sector in Germany, which includes both supply and disposal services.
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    Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga is the Association of Local Authorities in Iceland and the forum for co-operation between the local authorities in Iceland.
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    NVRD is the Royal Dutch association for waste management and cleaning.
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    Samfunnsbedriftene is the employers' organisation for municipal companies in Norway. Our 600 members deliver basic and critical services for residents and businesses all over Norway. No private bodies can be members.
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    Avfall Sverige is the Swedish waste management association representing its municipal members, whose customers account for 95 per cent of the Swedish population, vis-à-vis politicians, decision makers, authorities, and the EU.
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    KIGO (National Chamber of Waste Managemet) was established on 17.11.2003 by more than 100 companies, representing municipal waste management.
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    ESGRA – Associação para a Gestão de Resíduos is the Portuguese association of the waste treatment management systems companies.
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    Reġjun Tramuntana emcompasses 9 local government councils.
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    The Association of Public Waste Management Companies was founded in 2020 and represents the interests of municipal waste management companies in Austria. Their members are serving more than the half of Austrian population.
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