
Utilitalia is the national federation of Italian utilities providing public services in the sectors of environment, water and energy. It was ​founded in ​J​une 2015 from the merger of Federambiente environmental services) and Federutility (energy and water services).

It is composed by 260 among businesses, companies and consortia providing services to the public health and environmental clean-up. It offers to its members technical and administrative consultancy in the field of waste management, reclamation of polluted areas, environmental protection, management of plants and services, enforcement of specific sector rules, as well as labour, legal and social security assistance.Key objectives are encouraging the development of the local public services entrepreneurial system in the field of environmental health, promoting members’ interests throughout their activity, representing member companies, with both institutions and government, in drawing up collective agreements and defining framework agreements, both in the industrial and commercial field.

Data - Citizens
Data - Compost or Anaerobic Digestion
6.782.333 tonnes
Data - Incineration
5.409.484 tonnes
Data - Landfill
5.618.640 tonnes
Data - Municipal Waste
29.618.000 tonnes
utilitalia transparent
+39 06 94528210-20
Utilitalia Piazza Cola di Rienzo, 80A - Italy