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Latest publications from Municipal Waste Europe
  • relected board
    Federico Foschini from Utilitalia continues as President of Municipal Waste Europe
  • cover news ESPR
    We welcome the preliminary list of products for which the European Commission intends to prioritise action under the scope of the ESPR, including energy-related products, by setting ecodesign requirements in secondary legislation. However, we understand the list is given by Article 5 and Annex I of the proposed ESPR. Moreover, we suggest taking a balanced, integrated approach encompassing all of the parameters mentioned in the questionnaire rather than prioritising work on only the 3 ‘most important’ aspects as it is requested in the questionnaire. Read our response
  • cover feedack to belgian presidency
    MWE responds to the Belgian Presidency's Steering Note and proposal for the Revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD). Special consideration to the implementation of an Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles.
  • WFD patching press release
    Municipal Waste Europe (MWE) supports the European Parliament's adopted position on the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) revision, led by rapporteur Anna Zalewska. This revision aims to make producers responsible for textile products' end-of-life, promoting reuse and recycling, and marking a significant shift towards a circular textiles industry across Europe. However, MWE highlights certain gaps that need addressing to ensure effectiveness of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme and overall implementation of these new measures.
  • WSR revision
    Parliament has officially approved the revision of the EU’s Waste Shipment Regulation after over 2 years of deliberations. The revision introduces a harmonised digital notification system that we are hoping will help to close existing loopholes which still allow illegal waste shipments, while facilitating the legal intra-EU movement of waste for reuse, recycling, and recovery to supply a circular economy.