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Municipal Waste Europe announces re-election of Board for another two years

Federico Foschini from Utilitalia continues as President of Municipal Waste Europe


Brussels, Belgium, 3rd July - Municipal Waste Europe (MWE) is pleased to announce the re-election of the MWE Board for another two years following a successful General Assembly (GA) meeting held on 19th June 2024.

The board will continue to be led by Federico Foschini (Utilitalia) as President, Tony Clark (Avfall Sverige) as Vice-President, and Carla Velez (ESGRA) as Treasurer.

Federico Foschini (MWE President):


Federicho Foschini has been an active member of MWE for several years and has played a
significant role in shaping the organisations strategy and vision. 

Senior policy advisor representing Utilitalia (the federation of Italian utilities providing public services in environment, water and energy sector), he’s the responsible in HERAmbiente for the EU and Italian associations and the EU environmental policy dossiers.

Federico has long experience in the relationships with EU and national/local institutions and relevant stakeholders, having worked in the fields of environmental permitting, in the development of Circular economy projects, in corporate strategic planning and in public affairs within the Gruppo HERA, since 2012.

After graduation in Environmental Sciences in 2002, and with a Master’s degree in Technologies for the waste management at Bologna University in 2003, Federico worked as Technologist and Policy advisor at ISPRA (the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection & Research) until 2011, where he gained experience as national expert in several European and national committees and working groups on different environmental and waste topics, cooperating with international, EU and national institutions and research agencies.

Tony Clark (MWE Vice President):

tony clark


Managing Director and CEO at Avfall Sverige ( the Swedish Municipal Waste Management Organisation), since July 2019. Tony has previously worked in several capacities at the Government offices of Sweden, including at the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, where he among other things was responsible for the development of Swedish and European producer responsibility legislation and for systems for handling e-waste. Also, he has for many years worked for the Swedish Foreign Service and was once responsible for Sweden's environmental technology and CSR Centers at the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing.

With an extensive experience in the environment and energy field, both from Sweden and abroad, Tony has been lead negotiator for Sweden in several EU and UN processes. With his background, Tony brings to the table a deep understanding of both the topics at hand and of how the political machinery works, and he wants to be a positive contributor when it comes to strengthening the roles and responsibilities of European municipalities in the waste management field.

Carla Velez (MWE Treasurer):

Carla Velez

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in 1996 and practised law until 1999.

Currently working as advisor to the Board of AVALER - Association of Entities for the Energy Recovery of Solid Urban Waste, and Secretary-General of ESGRA - Association for Waste Management.

Previously: worked as advisor to the Minister for the Economy in the 21st Constitutional Government; advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for the Economy in the 20th and 19th Constitutional Governments; advisor to the Minister for the Economy and Innovation in the 17th Constitutional Government; advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for the Minister for the Economy in the 14th Constitutional Government; and advisor to the Secretary of State for Industry and Energy in the 13th Constitutional Government. Also worked as Legal Advisor to the Board of Directors and as Advocacy Officer for the Humanitarian Association, JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service. Was Deputy Director General of the Planning, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations Office of the Ministry of Culture, and Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Economy's Operational


MWE would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to Hans Mayr (ARGE) from Austria, who has retired from his position as Vice President after many years of dedicated service to the organisation. Hans has been an invaluable member of MWE, contributing significantly to its growth and success. His expertise, passion, and commitment to sustainable waste management have been an inspiration to us all. We wish him all the best for the future.

MWE looks forward to continuing its work towards promoting sustainable waste management practices and advocating for a circular economy in Europe. With the re-election of its board, the organisation is well-positioned and committed to this new EU mandate.

Municipal Waste Europe (AISBL) is a non-profit association that represents the interests of local authorities in their waste management obligations. Our mission is to ensure the correct delivery of services of general interest for waste, sustainable waste management practices following the waste hierarchy, and advance the circular economy in Europe.


For further information, please contact Erik Hayes

erik photo

Erik Hayes

Communications and Events Officer
+32 4 90 26 57 78