Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR)

  • cover wsr
    Parliament has officially approved the revision of the EU’s Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR) after over 2 years of deliberations. The revision introduces a harmonised digital notification system that we are hoping will help to close existing loopholes which still allow illegal waste shipments, while facilitating the legal intra-EU movement of waste for reuse, recycling, and recovery to supply a circular economy.
    Erik Hayes
  • Response to the Revision of the WSR
    MWE welcomes the Commission proposal for the revision of the WSR and the way in which it addresses the issue of illegal shipments as well as the creation of a digital notification system. Our feedback and proposals identify loopholes which can still be closed in order to further inhibit illegal shipments while facilitating legal shipments of waste for reuse, recycling and recovery within the EU.
    Vanya Veras